A black and white image shows sections of neural dendrites which appear as long thin lines with many small bumps along them.
February 20, 2025
Study suggests new molecular strategy for treating fragile X syndrome
White blocks are arranged in a circle on a blue background. Black arrows on the blocks follow the direction of the circle (clockwise). At three points along the circle, yellow blocks intercede with arrows pointing outward from the circle of white blocks.
February 18, 2025
Even after learning the right idea, humans and animals still seem to test other approaches, study suggests
A saggital cross section of a mouse brain is richly stained in three distinct colors in three distinct areas: yellow in the very front and about halfway toward the back; green in a large area toward the front and cyan across wide areas, especially the cerebellum in the back
January 24, 2025
MIT method enables ultrafast protein labeling of tens of millions of densely packed cells in organ-scale tissues
Emery N. Brown stands in front of a wall. Superimposed on the image next to him is a picture of the front of the National Medal of Science, which depicts a man kneeling and drawing an abstract character in the ground next to him as he contemplates an object.
January 3, 2025
Emery N. Brown, innovative neuroscientist, statistician and anesthesiologist earns National Medal of Science
Two colorful arrays of dots are side by side. The left array, labeled session 1, is in a vaguely circular shape. The right array, labeled session 5, is in a structure similar to a sideways T, which is the actual shape of the maze that mice ran through.
December 10, 2024
Study suggests how the brain, with sleep, learns meaningful maps of spaces

Anesthesia blocks sensation by cutting off communication within the cortex

November 8, 2023
Research Findings
Under propofol general anesthesia, sensory input still reaches the brain, but signals do not spread. Results suggest consciousness requires cortical regions to all be “on the same page.”

Award honors Elly Nedivi’s research on cortical plasticity

November 6, 2023
Picower People
The Krieg Cortical Kudos Discoverer Award recognizes Nedivi’s ongoing work to understand molecular and cellular mechanisms that enable the brain to adapt to experience

New grant to study possibility of an immunotherapy for autism

November 2, 2023
New Research
Picower Institute-based collaboration will study mechanisms that might enable peripheral immune cells to deliver a potentially therapeutic molecule to the brain.

Aging Brain Initiative symposium showcases ‘cutting edge’ research across MIT

November 1, 2023
Picower Events
Seed projects, posters represent a wide range of labs working on technologies, therapeutic strategies, and fundamental research to advance understanding of age-related neurodegenerative disease

Anesthesia technology precisely controls unconsciousness in animal tests

October 31, 2023
Research Findings
An advanced closed-loop anesthesia delivery system that monitors brain state to tailor propofol dose and achieve exactly the desired level of unconsciousness could reduce post-op side effects

Mark Bear wins SfN’s Julius Axelrod Prize

October 30, 2023
Picower People
Society for Neuroscience Award recognizes Professor Mark Bear’s synaptic plasticity research, its translation to potential amblyopia and autism treatments, and his career of mentorship.

A multifunctional tool for cognitive neuroscience

October 20, 2023
Research Findings
A flexible new tool both monitors and manipulates neural activity in the brains of large animals.

Morgan Sheng among 12 with MIT ties elected to the National Academy of Medicine for 2023

October 10, 2023
Picower People
Five MIT faculty, along with seven additional affiliates, are honored for outstanding contributions to medical research.

Decoding the complexity of Alzheimer’s disease

September 28, 2023
Research Findings
By analyzing epigenomic and gene expression changes that occur in Alzheimer’s disease, researchers identify cellular pathways that could become new drug targets

Study shows how a single neuron’s parallel outputs can coordinate many aspects of behavior

September 27, 2023
Research Findings
In C. elegans worms, a single neuron named HSN uses multiple chemicals and connections to orchestrate egg-laying and locomotion over the course of several minutes

Resolving a seeming contradiction, study advances understanding of visual recognition memory

September 27, 2023
Research Findings
Scientists have invested decades in piecing together how our vision is so good at recognizing what’s familiar. A new study overcomes an apparent discrepancy in data to reveal a new insight into how it works.

Individual neurons mix multiple RNA edits of key synapse protein, fly study finds

September 18, 2023
Research Findings
Neurons stochastically generated up to eight different versions of a protein regulating neurotransmitter release, which could vary how they communicate with other cells